10 Positive Affirmations for a Healthy Money Mindset

By Ernie Allen and Lucas Swatzell

When you think of money, your mind likely goes to saving, investing, and planning. These are all viable and important aspects of finance, but there may be one that you have not considered – mindset. How you think about money is one crucial piece of the financial puzzle that is often forgotten. To help you create a healthy outlook for your financial strategy, we are sharing the importance of money mindset, along with ten positive affirmations that will change the way you think about your wealth. 

10 Affirmations to Improve Your Money Mindset

  • I am grateful for the money I currently have and appreciate how it serves me. 
  • I can make wise financial decisions to help me reach my personal and professional goals.
  • I have the power to grow my money to create the life that I want. 
  • I build my wealth so that my family can feel comfortable and supported. 
  • I choose to view my finances without fear and hesitation.
  • I deserve to live a fulfilling life, and smart financial decisions can support that.
  • I do not need to go into debt to keep up with my peers. I am already worthy of pride.
  • I release myself from all limitations. My wealth and my growth know no bounds.
  • I am open to learning everything I can about my financial decisions.
  • I can overcome any financial obstacle that gets in my way. It will not slow me down.

Putting Your Affirmations Into Action
When you notice that roadblocks are coming your way, or you feel less than confident about your finances, remind yourself of these affirmations. You are in control of your money mindset. And, with a positive, open outlook, you can remain balanced and ready to overcome any challenge that comes your way, while also setting yourself up for success. 

Set Yourself Up For Financial Success
The Allen‐Swatzell Wealth Team is dedicated to helping you and your family achieve your financial goals. With a combined 31 years of experience, each advisor brings individual strengths to effectively build lasting relationships and educate you and your family to make the best financial decisions possible. We work to truly understand who you are and your specific financial needs by building relationships. We then work together to implement a comprehensive financial plan tailored to you and your family to help you achieve your goals.